Physio Hub/ Shoulder Pain

24/03/22 - 2 min read

Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can be quite complex, as the shoulder has 4 different joints, collectively called the shoulder girdle. The shoulder is formed where the humerus meets the glenoid socket on the shoulder blade. The shoulder blade itself attaches to the rib cage at the back and the movement of the shoulder blade greatly affects how our shoulder functions. The shoulder girdle also consists of the collarbone and the joints that it contributes to the shoulder blade and to the sternum.

Cartilage, ligaments and muscle all work together to stabilise the shoulder joint. Smaller, deeper muscles such as the rotator cuff act like a suction cup, pulling the humerus into the glenoid socket. These muscles can be a frequent cause of pain through injury and misuse. More powerful muscles can also create a larger range of movements. Soft tissues, such as fluid filled sacs called bursae, help to reduce friction in the shoulder and can sometimes get inflamed, again causing pain.

There are many nerves that pass around the shoulder. These nerves travel down the arm to innervate the skin and muscles so can sometimes cause pain or other symptoms, which originate in the shoulder or neck, to pass down the arm.

Here at Physio Hub, we will conduct a thorough examination of your specific problem and we can conduct physical testing to aid in your diagnosis. We can then create a treatment plan to get your shoulder back up and moving again. If necessary, we may refer you for further testing such as MRI, ultrasound, blood tests, or X-rays. There are many conditions involved in shoulder pain. Common conditions can include:
- Frozen shoulder
- Shoulder impingement
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Acromioclavicular injuries
- Shoulder fractures
- Dislocation and instability in the shoulder

If you are suffering from shoulder pain, call us on 01 5253440 or book online at

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